
eat, sleep, create

Monday, May 14, 2007

So some of you may have realised that I am a day ahead cos this is USA blogger thingy so today is actually Tuesday and I have just got home from work, and well it was long and pretty crappy but I tend to think about ideas and my exhibition while I work :) I was going to paint some more tonight but I am feeling pretty stuffed. I did get a lovely surprise in the mail today, some super cute buttons/pins from Sakura Kitty Creative they are very cute. I love getting things in the post last week I got some postcard from Apak (from etsy) 'the happy hermit series' Which are just adorable!!! hmm and I also splurged on a Matte Stephens print ' suburban bear monster' which is very cool, not sure where it's going to go though, our 2 bedroom flat is completely stuffed with things, my boyfriend has a book obsession and I have art stuff and fabric in every nook , behind every door and under the bed etc it really is way too small for two such "stuff " people .
I have so much stuff I try and clear out things but they just build up again so fast! Oh yeah I forgot to share with a pic of part of the toy order I sent off last week. I sell the toys in a gallery in Canberra called "the hive" which is an amazing place full of arty things and at M.A.D. in Sydney. I do not sell these on etsy because I do not want to undersell the stores and there are heaps of really cute toys on etsy which all seem to be to very well priced and I can not really price mine any lower. Convo me though if you really keen. Anyway that's all for now, Ciao


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