Hi all,
Well the opening night was lots of fun with lots of red wine!! I meet some really lovely people form Red Bubble including ' mikoto" whom I chatted with many times in cyberland.
Overall it was a great experience and I thank Adriana for all her hard work organizing it and Global gallery for having such a great space. A big thanks to all my supporters coming down and helping me celebrate!
On a another exciting note I have made the big decision the move to Melbourne in August which I am very excited about and I have a lot of things to organize so if I do not blog I apologize lol but
I will keep you posted x

I know it's been sooooooo long since I blogged but I have had a huge change in my personal life and it has taken it's toll and some time to process it all...
but I recently spent 2 weeks in Japan, it is such an amazing and inspiring place I LOVED it!!!!!!!!
Spent way to much- indulgence- 3 pairs of sneakers, 1 Blythe doll and stack of fabric!!!
Ate way to much- indulgence- all you can eat sushi train OMG
Highlight - Osaka baseball match- they are CRAZY and Nikko - a beautiful village in the mountains!
Would love to go back :)
Also I have a new outlet for my prints now sold by the super cool Justyna at her new shop in Waverly tots encore
Also wanted to mention the group show 'The Populous Cast' opening night is on next Wednesday night the 18th June @ Global Global Gallery 5 -Comber st. Paddington
hope to see some of you lovelies there :)

Hi all, I just want to thank Miss Raven for her lovely feature she did on me on her gorgeous blog dirty pretty things THANKS xxThe above pics are me working :) plus paintings for my up coming group show-
The Populous Cast @ Global gallery - 5 Comber st. Paddington, June 18 - 29
Thats all for now
Inspiration, muses and the like.....
I went to see PJ Harvey on Friday at the Opera House, wow she was amazing and very inspiring. She has said in interviews she reads a lot and draws inspiration from classic literature. And I think many of us look for inspiration from within and often struggle, other creative people can be an fantastic inspiration whether listening to pieces of music, reading poetry or having a great conversion with other artists.
Be open Muses can can come along when we least expect it :)
Had a very inspiring last weekend, saw some great artwork and felt truly moved. Above is the first painting I did over the Christmas break which I am really happy with and hope will get to show at a gallery later this year in Surry hills. I am aiming for 2008 to be a year of going forward with my art and my life in general and hoping not to get down with all the grief which seems to go hand in hand with life lol.
I am still selling lots of toys over at M A D and the prints down at my Poppet in Melbourne are going well too.
Hope to keep inspired this year!

Hi all, yes got a lovely wacom board for chrissy from my boyfriend and its all very exciting but it is very different to drawing on paper!
I have uploaded my first 2 drawings, well the very first one looked really bad, so did the second so they are not really the first but more like the 3rd and 4th LOL
Anyway I just spent 3 weeks in the country away from the computer painting on canvas which was really great, and I hope to have them in a group show later this year I will keep you posted.
bye for now
Happy birthday to me, yep 35 today and feeling 20 still lol well the art keeps me young I say. I had a big night last night and have another party tonight so I am resting/ recovering today with hot chips and DVDs ya. Got some awesome pressies including tickets to see Jack Johnson in centennial park which will be very cool.
Hope you are all rockin and rollin and wot not :)
Have a FANTASTIC christmas in case I do not blog again xx